If you are unsure if you have installed AdBlock VPN, use the information below to check. If AdBlock VPN is not installed, you can find steps to install it here: How to Install and Uninstall AdBlock VPN.
AdBlock VPN will appear in your Apps: Find and open apps in Launchpad (be sure to select your OS version from the option at the top of the page).
Note: We have two different apps for Mac - the AdBlock for Safari Mac app + AdBlock VPN (which uses the AdBlock logo - a white hand on a red octagon) and the AdBlock VPN stand-alone app (which uses the AdBlock VPN logo - a white hand on a blue shield).
AdBlock for Safari Mac app + VPN integration |
AdBlock VPN stand-alone Mac app |
For iPad, please see this article: Find your apps in App Library on iPad
If you are new to using AdBlock VPN, be sure to check out our user guide: How to Use AdBlock VPN.