Checking if AdBlock VPN is Installed

If you are unsure if you have installed AdBlock VPN, use the information below to check. If AdBlock VPN is not installed, you can find steps to install it here: How to Install and Uninstall AdBlock VPN.

For both Windows 10 and Windows 11, please see this article: Find all your apps and programs.



AdBlock VPN will appear in your Apps: Find and open apps in Launchpad (be sure to select your OS version from the option at the top of the page).

Note: We have two different apps for Mac - the AdBlock for Safari  Mac app + AdBlock VPN (which uses the AdBlock logo - a white hand on a red octagon) and the AdBlock VPN stand-alone app (which uses the AdBlock VPN logo - a white hand on a blue shield).



Screenshot 2023-11-02 at 12.54.26 PM.png

Screenshot 2023-11-02 at 12.56.03 PM.png

AdBlock for Safari Mac app + VPN integration

AdBlock VPN stand-alone Mac app


iOS (iPhone, iPad)
For iPhone, please see this article: Find your apps in App Library on iPhone
For iPad, please see this article: Find your apps in App Library on iPad


For Android, please see this article: Find, open & close apps on Android.


Chrome OS
For Chromebooks, please see this article: Find & organize apps


If you are new to using AdBlock VPN, be sure to check out our user guide: How to Use AdBlock VPN.


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