How to Request a Refund or Cancel a Subscription

I want a refund

We provide refunds within 30 days of purchase. Send your refund request with a copy of your receipt or documentation of the charge to or open a support ticket. We handle most requests within one business day but often sooner. Please don't dispute the charge through PayPal or your credit card company as this can delay the refund. 

If your purchase was through Apple, you will need to contact Apple directly for a refund: Request a refund for apps or content that you bought from Apple.


I want to cancel my subscription (recurring payment)

If you set up a recurring subscription and change your mind, it's easy to cancel your subscription on the Account Management page. After canceling, you will continue to have access to AdBlock VPN until your subscription expires.

Other ways to cancel your subscription


If you used PayPal, you can cancel the subscription in your PayPal account. If you need help, send a request to and we'll be happy to take care of it for you. 

If you have the Transaction ID, please include it as it will help us to locate your subscription faster.


If you paid via Apple, you can cancel the subscription using the steps in this article: 

How to cancel a subscription from Apple

We are unable to cancel these subscriptions on our end so you will need to contact Apple if you need assistance.

All other payment processors

For other payment processors, please email us at or open a support ticket

If you still have the receipt we sent to the email address you provided when you paid for AdBlock VPN, please attach it to your support request. This will help us to find your subscription faster.

If you no longer have the receipt we sent, please provide the last four digits of the credit card number, the date of purchase, the amount, and the email address associated with your purchase.



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