How to Install and Uninstall AdBlock VPN

Before installing AdBlock VPN please be sure you are using a supported Operating System (OS). For Chromebooks and other devices using Chrome OS, please install the Android version.

Steps to Install:

  1. Install AdBlock VPN from this link:
  2. When prompted in the Setup window, click Install.
  3. Once installed, you'll see "Installation Successfully Completed". Click Close. If you encounter any errors, please see: Troubleshooting.
  4. On the Sign In window that appears, enter your email and click Next.
  5. You'll receive a verification code via email. Enter it in the field provided and click Submit.


  1. Download AdBlock VPN here:
  2. Open the .dmg file. 
  3. In the window that appears, drag and drop the AdBlock VPN icon to the Applications folder.
  4. Close the window and eject the installer located on the desktop (right-click > Eject "AdBlock VPN").
  5. Open Applications and click on the AdBlock VPN icon to launch it.
  6. If this is the first time you are installing AdBlock VPN, you'll go through the setup flow. 
  7. If you are reinstalling AdBlock, you'll need to allow AdBlock VPN to install the system extension and add a VPN profile. Follow the onscreen prompts. If you encounter any problems, please see this article: About AdBlock VPN Permissions for Mac.
  8. Once successfully installed, open the AdBlock VPN app from the Applications folder or Launchpad. Click on the AdBlock VPN icon on the top menu bar. On the Sign In window that appears, enter your email and click Next.
  9. You'll receive a verification code via email. Enter it in the field provided and click Submit.

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Android/Chrome OS
  1. Find AdBlock VPN for Android in the Google Play Store and tap Install.
  2. Tap the play button to open AdBlock and then follow the prompts.
  1. Go to AdBlock VPN in the App Store and click Get.
  2. Click Install.


Steps to Uninstall:

  1. Quit AdBlock VPN (AdBlock VPN icon > Preferences (triple bar) > Exit & Disconnect).
  2. Go to Control Panel > Programs > Programs & Features (or type "Programs & Features" in Windows search to find it).
  3. Find AdBlock VPN in the list of Programs & Features, right-click on the icon and select Uninstall.
  4. Click Yes to make the change.
  5. On the Uninstall window, select the option "Remove all account data, logs and settings", then click Uninstall.
  6. Once successfully uninstalled, click Done.

In some cases you may need to completely remove all files associated with the app. Here are steps to do that:

  1. Uninstall AdBlock VPN (Settings > Apps > AdBlock VPN > uninstall)
  2. In "File Explorer" type "%programfiles(x86)%" into the address bar, then select the "AdBlock" folder and delete it.
  3. In "File Explorer" type "%programdata%" into the address bar, then select the "AdBlock" folder and delete it.
  4. Restart your computer.
  1. Quit AdBlock VPN (AdBlock VPN icon > Preferences (triple bar) > Quit).
  2. Open Applications.
  3. Right-click on the AdBlock VPN icon and select Move to Trash.
  4. A dialog window will confirm this action since the app is associated with a system extension. Click Continue.   
    • Enter your Mac's password (or use Touch ID) if prompted and click OK.
Android/Chrome OS
  1. Open the Google Play Store app.
  2. Tap the menu (three horizontal lines) and select My apps & games.
  3. Tap on AdBlock VPN and select Uninstall.
  1. Long-press the AdBlock VPN icon on your device's home screen.
  2. When all the icons start to jiggle, touch the X on the AdBlock VPN icon and tap Delete.

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