Getting Started
If you're new to VPNs, we recommend that you start by taking a look at these articles:
Create an Account
To start using AdBlock VPN, you'll need to create an account through a purchase. If you've already paid, either through a subscription or a contribution, you don't need to sign up and can skip to "Signing In". If you haven't paid, you can do so using these steps:
- Install AdBlock VPN.
- Open AdBlock VPN and click on "Sign up".
- On the webpage that opens, click on "Buy AdBlock VPN" and select your plan and payment type.
- Once the purchase has been completed, you will automatically be logged in with the email address associated with your purchase and can immediately connect.
Add a Device
To add a device, install AdBlock VPN and sign in with the same email associated with your purchase. If you paid via Apple, use the "Signing in" steps below for the device you are using. There is a 6 device limit.
AdBlock VPN for Mac and Windows
If you are using the AdBlock for Safari Mac app (which includes the AdBlock VPN interface), please see this article: User Guide: AdBlock for Safari Mac app.
- Open AdBlock VPN.
- Enter the email address associated with your account and click Next.
- You will receive an email containing a six-digit code. Enter it in the space provided and click Submit.
Note: If you don't see the AdBlock VPN window, click the AdBlock VPN icon on the task bar (Windows) or the top menu bar (Mac) to display it again.
- If you don't receive a code, add to your Contacts and be sure to check your spam/junk folder and promotional folders. Wait at least 30 minutes for a code to arrive as there can be temporary delays.
- If your email is not recognized as having an account, please be sure you are using the email associated with your purchase. If you are logged in on another device, you can confirm the email associated with your account on the Account Management page.
If you are connected to the VPN, you can change your server location by clicking on the Change Location button. If you are not connected, click the country currently displayed to select a location. You can disconnect from the VPN by clicking on Disconnect.
Anytime you connect, disconnect, or change locations, you will need to reload/refresh any webpages to ensure that the change is recognized by the browser and website you are accessing.
Windows | Mac |
To test to see if AdBlock VPN is working, please see this article: How Do I Know AdBlock VPN is Working?
If you encounter any problems connecting, please see this article: AdBlock VPN Connection Issues.
Pin the AdBlock VPN icon to your taskbar or desktop using the steps in this article: Pin apps and folders to the desktop or taskbar.
App Settings
App Settings
To temporarily disconnect, click on Disconnect. Just like with connecting, when you disconnect, you will need to reload/refresh any webpages to ensure that the change is recognized by the browser and the website you are accessing.
To close the app, click on the three horizontal lines to access Preferences. If you are connected to the VPN, you will see the option Exit & Disconnect (or Quit & Disconnect on Mac). If you are not connected, you'll see Exit. You will not be logged out when you click this option and should not be prompted to log back in the next time you open the app.
- Open AdBlock VPN.
- Click on the three horizontal lines to access Preferences.
- Select Account.
- Click Sign Out.
AdBlock VPN for Mobile (iOS and Android/Chrome OS)
For Chromebooks and other devices using Chrome OS please install the Android version.
Open AdBlock VPN. If you purchased your subscription through Apple, tap on "Don't have an account?" and then tap on the "Restore Purchase" link.
For all other payment methods, enter the email address associated with your account and click Next. You will receive an email containing a six-digit code. Enter it in the space provided and click Submit.
- If you don't receive a code, add to your Contacts and be sure to check your spam/junk folder and promotional folders. Wait at least 30 minutes for a code to arrive as there can be temporary delays.
- If your email is not recognized as having an account, please be sure you are using the email associated with your purchase. If you are logged in on another device, you can confirm the email associated with your account on the Account Management page.
After logging in, select the server location you would like to connect to and the app will automatically connect to that location. If the location you would like to connect to is already displayed, simply tap Turn On VPN. Connecting to a location nearer to you typically results in a faster connection.
If you are connected to the VPN, select Turn Off VPN to disconnect. Just like when you connect, you may need to reload/refresh open webpages or apps to ensure the change takes effect.
To test to see if AdBlock VPN is working, please see this article: How Do I Know AdBlock VPN is Working?
In some cases you may want to use the auto-connect feature to automatically connect when you are using an unfamiliar network. You can read more about using this feature here: Using AdBlock VPN on an Untrusted or Unsecured Wi-Fi Network.